WordPress made some cool updates! :D

Hi guys! For all those who use “wordpress” for blogging, here is a new update to it!

They have changed the “greyish” look to a new “bluish” look! Check it out below!


Cool eh? It looks nicer than before. By the way, the colour reminds me of something…


What’s New Section (April 27th – 30th)

Thank You Australia and New Zealand!

Hello Penguins!

Today we wanted to give a really loud shout-out to our penguins down under and say thanks for making the Elite Penguin Force DS game #1 in Australia and New Zealand!!


Your excitement about the game has really caught on here – and it has the team talking about the great sense of community in Club Penguin. Even though Australia and New Zealand look far away on a globe, we’re all part of one amazing community. The excitement from players all over the world is what makes the Club Penguin community so awesome.

So, Australia and New Zealand… Thank you! Without your support, and the enthusiasm of all the Club Penguin players around the globe, special milestones like this wouldn’t happen.

Until then…Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on April 30 2009 09:02 | Comments (47)

Wig Challenge

Hello Penguins!

Talk about hair-raising madness all over the island – There have been so many awesome groups of penguins who are all wacky and wigged out! It was hard to choose. But our favorite group was probably this one:


We loved all the wig talk! If you didn’t make it into this shot, we’ll be doing more of these mini-challenges. What do you think?

Congratulations to everyone who wore wigs! Don’t forget that the new Penguin Style will be out on Friday and some amazing costumes will be available to get you ready for the olde knightly adventures that await ye.

Until then…Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on April 29 2009 10:08 | Comments (63)

Penguin Style on Friday (& a challenge)!

Hello Penguins!

With a brand new Penguin Style catalog coming out on Friday, we thought we’d get you thinking wigs. So we want to give you a challenge:

Get as many of your penguin friends as you can into an area — with wigs! The more wigs, the better! The wackier the wigs, the better! We’ll be on the lookout for a cool screenshot to feature on Wednesday’s blog. Which wig will you be wearing?

Here’s a peek of some hair you might find in Friday’s catalog:


The Medieval Party starts on May 8 – and to me, this hair looks like it might be used to befriend dragons and climb castles…

Until then…Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on April 27 2009 09:33 | Comments (50)


Bean Counters Glitch! :D

Hi guys! Sorry fo the late post again, so much tests and hwk recently… again!

Anyways, the mini-game in the “Coffee Shop”, “Bean Counters”, have a slight “money glitch”. This is your chance to get loads of money in minuets!

1. When you almost go to where the green spot is, click the “house button” on ur toolbar.
2. When you get to your igloo, there should be a messege. If you don’t see it, repeat step 1. Click “Yes” and you will be in the game!
3. Play the game until you loose or finnish “level 5”. You can also click the “x” button too.
4. When you do, a messege will pop up how many coins you earned. Click “OK” and press the “x” button again where the “green box” is.
5. Do this as many times as you want!

HINT! Finnish level 5, and when the “Congraulations!” thing pop up, click “Click here to get paid!” button. Then the a new pop up will say the ammount of coins you earned. Because the “Click here to get paid!” button is just centered very well where the “You have earned ___ coins” box is, this is the fastest way to earn coins!

😀 Yay I’m so rich!

Have fun earning loads of money! Remember, you never know when CP is going to fix the glitch, so do it as soon as possible!


What’s New Section (April 25th, 2009)

Update: Rockhopper in Walt Disney World!

Hello Penguins!

So many of you told us you’re excited about the news that Rockhopper will be visiting Walt Disney World in Florida! Our favorite pirate penguin will be there from April 30 – May 13th.

There are lots of us who won’t be able to go, and I don’t know about you, but I’d love to hear what it’s like to meet him. So we have a request for those of you who can go to Florida during that time to meet Rockhopper: It would be really cool if you could write about it and let us know – and we’ll share some of your experiences on the blog.

For those of you who can go, get out your pirate maps and make an “X”: Hollywood Studios is the location for Captain Rockhopper’s whereabouts while he’s in Walt Disney World in Florida.


Until then…Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on April 25 2009 11:41 | Comments (0)


Hey People

Hey People. Its Chidori 456 here. If you dont remember me im Joji’s Helper. My site is chidoriboom.wordpress.com . I am having a party soon.


THe one after that will be a 10,000 hits party. Tell your friends about my site chidoriboom.wordpress.com . ALso Remember to come to this Awesome SITE!!!!!!!!!!!



What’s New (April 24th, 2009)

Update: Game upgrades are below this post! 😀

Game Upgrades Today!

Hello Penguins!

A new sled and new songs! Game upgrades to Sled Racing and Dance Contest are here and we’re really excited to hear what you think.


If you could create a design for a toboggan, what features would it have? We’d love to hear from you about the kinds of things you would add to the sled of your dreams!

In Other News: There’s a new pin hidden today so get your friends together and see who can find it first.

Until then…Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on April 24 2009 11:10 | Comments (0)


Club Penguin Game Upgrades!

Hi guys, the game upgrades finnally came for both “Dance Contest” and “Sled Game”. Unfortunatly, the upgrades are only for members. 😦

Well here are the pics:

This is the “Sled Racing” upgrade. It’s only a toboggan! That’s lame. 😦 Other than that, there are new music for the game, kinda entertaning! 😀

This is the “Dance Contest” updgrade. It has 3 new tracks to it! 😀


Quick Updates!

Hi guys! Here are some quick updates on Club Penguin.

In the log-in section, there is a new interface. It’s an Medieval Times Party pic! Kind of kool don’t you think?

The new pin is at the Dojo Coartyard. It is the “Tree”! LOL! 😛

That’s it for now, the new “Sled Racing” upgrades didn’t come yet. 😦


What’s New (April 23rd, 2009) / and Other Updates

Medieval Party Sneak Peek!

Hello Penguins!

Where do knights go to get something to eat?
To an “all knight” diner!

A lot of you tell us the Medieval Party is one of your all time favorite parties in Club Penguin so I wanted to give you a bit of a sneak peek (shhhh!) of what you’ll see this year. We’re bringing back some of the stuff you said was the coolest… and there will be new things, too.


I’ve heard tales of a dragon in the Mine… and that the Coffee Shop and Pizza Parlor will be fit for royalty (and jesters, too)! For members, there will be a Knight’s Quest that we hope you’ll think is really fun.

The Medieval Party will go from May 8 – 17th, so get ready to costume up and use your imagination all over the island!

Until then… Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on April 23 2009 09:08 | Comments (131)

I kinda like the “body” item… That green robe thing, both spooky and stylish! Might also be good for Halloween parties too!

There are new updates on the community page. Check it out! There are new fan art and a new comic!


This Week’s “Club Penguin Times” Newspaper

Hey guys, Joji here!

Here are the snapshots and main events of this week’s newspaper! Check it out!

Yaaay the Medieval Party! Sad they don’t have “Earth Week” party! 😦 Anyways, the party is coming up soon, then Penguins getting paid soon for their hardwork, some furniture advice and so on…

The main 3 characters are: the Princess, the Kight, and the Jester! They are going out on a quest to find some sort of treasure, I wonder what the treasure is going to be like… I hope most of the decorations are back, or maybe better ones I hope!

Some good ‘ol tips on how to decorate your igloo and spending you money wisely. 😀

Penguins getting paid by volenteering in jobs such as the “SPA” and the “Tour Guide” every month.

This week’s “In Focus”, they talk about the game, “Sled Racing”. Mainly about how it’s done and all that stuff many of us already know.

I kind of like this new idea, who ever comes last wins! LOL this is gonna be fun!

Things that most of us know already… nothing new I guess?

Today is the last day for the pin. Other than that, there is going to be new upgrades for “Sled Racing” and “Dance Contest”! Also, a new “Penguin Style Catalog is coming on May 1st!
