Party Complete Fail!!! :(

Yes. I know. The party was a complete fail.

Why? Because I was at a class, and my parrents came late to pick me up, so that’s why I could not attend the party.


BUT! Tommorow, there will be a ANOTHER 1,000 hit’s party!!!

here is the invitation:

WHEN? Sunday, March 28th

WHERE? Starting from the dock at server, SLEET.

WHAT TIME? 4 PM PST (Penguin Standard Time)

WHY? Because the original party on Saturday, was messed up.

Please come to my party again!!!


What’s New Section (March 25th-27th)

Hi guys! Sorry for the late post. I was very busy… again. Yep, I have speeches to do, and I have to write a lot. 😛

Game Upgrades!

Hello Penguins!

We’re excited to tell you about a change that’s happening with sporting gear! Starting today, gear that helps you in games will be right on location! You’ll still get the Snow and Sport catalog like always, but if you’re looking for gear to help you in the games, you’ll find it near where you play.


Check out the Cove, the Dock, and the Ski Lodge and look for the piece of paper tacked up beside the game you want to play. Try it out and let us know what you think.

In Other News: Like we announced yesterday, today is the first day that everyone has access inside the Stage for the Penguin Play Awards. We’re excited to hear what you think. Let us know what you’re up to at the Stage!!

Until then…Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on March 27 2009 09:43 | Comments (28)

Special Stage Announcement!

Hello Penguins!

We’ve been hearing from many of you about the Penguin Play Awards – how awesome you think the Backstage is and how cool it’s been to meet some of your favorite penguin characters like Aunt Arctic and Cadence. The team really loves all the feedback you give.


We’ve also heard that you’d like to enjoy the Stage with more friends, so I’m excited to let you know that starting tomorrow, everyone will be able to check out what’s going on in the Stage!

Everyone will be able to enter the Stage but the VIP backstage area where you can pick up your award and hang out with special guests will remain exclusive for members. For those of you planning to go to the Penguin Play Awards this weekend, I just heard there might be surprise visits from MORE special guests in the Backstage!!

We can’t wait to hear what you think.

Until then…Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on March 26 2009 09:48 | Comments (52)

New Catalogs Coming Friday!

Hello Penguins!

On Friday, you’ll see some new things in the Snow and Sports catalog, and for those of you who know the ways of the Club Penguin ninja, the Martial Artworks catalog (in the Dojo Hideout) will also be updated!


In other news: We’d love to know if you’re enjoying the Penguin Play Awards – Let us know all the creative things that you and your friends are doing at the Stage!!

Until then…Waddle on!

-Club Penguin Team

By Billybob on March 25 2009 11:37 | Comments (50)
