Aunt Artic is Here!!!

Well, the rumor was true. AUNT ARTIC ACTUALLY CAME TO THE STAGE!!!!!!!!

Here is Photo proof:


Can’t wait to meet her!


New Songs on CP

Hi, there are new background music on CP. To listen to them, you have to be a member. Go to your igloo, click edit, and click the tape recorder. There are 5 new songs. THey are all from the top 5 plays. Check them out below:



Penguin Awards are here! (March 20th)

Hi guys, the Penguin Awards are here! Unfortunatly, it is only restricted to members only.


Here, would be the outside of the play. On the bottom left hand corner, is the voting station.


Vote by clicking continue, and choose your favorite play in each category. After your’e done, click continue. Remember, you can not go back once you click continue. So choose wisely.


This would be the inside of the stage. You can go to the costume box, and get some of the costumes from the top 5 plays. You can also play previews of the plays on the monitor screen. The switchbox 3000 allows you to do many things such as a puffle coming out with a award, and many lights effects. See below.


They are all colour coded.
Yellow is the puffle jumping out.
regular green are sparkes coming out.
Olive green are lights coming out from the ground.
Red is confetti coming out from the top to bottom.
Light blue is confetti coming out from the top to bottom.
Purple is confetti coming out from both sides from top to bottom.
Lime Green is a spotlight, then slowlly goes to the left leading to the exit or backstage.
Whitish Green is spotlight, then slow moving forward to the main stage.


Head backstage, and you can sit around and chat with other dudes. Some famous penguisn might be there, just like the penguin band did.


Don’t forget to get your free penguin award!


Now we will look into the costume trunk, and check out the catalog.
You can also buy a microphone for 250 coins.

Quest For The Golden Puffle
Fairy Fables
The Penguins That Time Forgot
Ruby and the Ruby
Squidzoid vs Shadow Guy and Gamma Girl


Click where the red is to receive a background!


Click the red circle to get the “Cheap Time Travel Hat”.


Click the red circle to get the “Squidzoid cosume”.

Whoa! That was a lot. If famous penguins are here, check out Lux1200’s site and see if Lux 1200, have made a famous penguin tracking team.


Screenhog on The Stage (What’s New—–March19)

Hi everyone! It’s Screenhog again, with a little bit of Club Penguin history.

The Penguin Play Awards are almost here, and excitement is in the air! All eyes will be focused on the Stage, where the Awards will be presented. In fact, it’s almost hard to remember a time when there wasn’t a Stage in Club Penguin at all.

The Stage came to Club Penguin in November of 2007. Before that, the area between the Pizza Shop and the Pet Shop looked like this:


It was a pretty empty area. Sometimes, penguins would sit around the tables and hang out with friends, and sometimes we’d decorate it for parties, but we’d always wanted to put a building there. What should it be? Should we put another shop there? Should we build a bowling alley? Should we have hundreds of penguins with jetpacks lift the Dojo from the top of its mountain and drop it there?

Then, we noticed how there were a lot of penguins that were pretending to do all sorts of things on Club Penguin that we didn’t have yet… going to school, being superheroes, even going into space! What if we built a place that would change every month so that penguins could do all of those things? And that’s why the stage was built.

As a bonus, building a very artistic stage made a very artistic puffle come out of hiding for the first time. I’m sure you know which one I mean:


Hope you liked learning about this piece of Club Penguin history. Enjoy the Awards tomorrow!

By Billybob on March 19 2009 07:58 | Comments (18)
