New banner commin soon!

Hey guys, Joji here!

Because April is coming soon, I will be making a new banner featuring me, Muddgirl, Xr8 64, Drewdrewli, Screennog, Suferboy, and Chidori 456.

They are all hand drawn in pencil, and will be finnished in 2 weeks time.

I have so far finnished me! I’ll update later when I have time…

Oh, and special thanks to Xlr8 64 and Muddgirl4000 for putting me as an Aunthor on their sites!


Party Will Be a Big Success!

Yes, the title says it all!

Muddgirl, Drewdrewli, Chidori, Alpha, and Ameby are all coming!

I’m not sure Xlr8 64 is coming… I think he is.

Anyways, there will be a bunch of famous penguins coming to my party!

Hope to see everyone there, and all my fans and freinds!
