
Yaaaaay!!! I finnished my gundam model, check it out!

Finished Model

Cool eh??? It even comes with a stand!!!


Making my Gundam

Hey guys!!! Today, I got my… ugh… I think 8th gundam model.

If you need some help making them, ask me!

Here is what I got, it’s a mini version of a “Force Impluse Gundam”:

Gundam pic 1

Gundam pic 2


Hi Guys!!!

Hi guys, im back from hwk, tests, and projects exlplosion week. Now, I’m back posting!!! yaaaaaaaayyyy

ya, thankfully, my buddy Xlr8 64 posted the St. Patrick’s Day Event, and that saved me some time to work on my new Gundum, and many other posts.

Well, see you around guys!
