Widgit for your site!

hey guys! I think some of you were thinking… how can i get the “welcome” sign???

Well, Chidori456, my freind on both cp and wordpress, said he wanted one too.

It’s caled a “sign bot”. What it does is, it scrolls a messege: “welcome to our site”.


Here are the instructions to how to get the “signbot”:

STEP 1: Right click the image, and click “save as”.

STEP 2: Save the image to ur desitnation on ur computer.

STEP 3: go to “new post” on wordpress, and get the image from the “upload/insert” section.

STEP 4: when you find it, and it’s put on to the “media galary section”,

STEP 5: insert into post, copy the HTML, then go to “widgits” under “appearance”.

STEP 6: open up text widgit, insert ur HTML code, save, then ur done!


Hopefully that helped for some of u guys,

Have fun with it!

From the president of jojicpcheats,
